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Hyuna Kim, 6.3

Hyuna Kim, 06.03

  • Дата рождения: 06.03
  • Пол: женский
  • ВКонтакте: 238945162
  • Книги: How Harvard and Yale Beat the Market. What Individual Investors Can Learn From the Investment Strategies of the Most Successful University Endowments (Matthew Tuttle); Portable Alpha Theory and Practice. What Investors Really Need to Know (Sabrina Callin)
  • Аудиокниги: Дон Жуан (Эрнст Гофман); Шестиэтажка (Вадим Громов)

Фотографии 2

№1, Hyuna Kim, 6.3 №2, Hyuna Kim, 6.3